Holy Wave, 2018

Holy Wave is a group exhibition curated by Roi Carmeli, with work by Ayelet Ben-Dor, Jedrzej Cichosz, Uist Corrigan, Roi Carmeli, Judith Leupi, Jonny Lyons, Tom Krasny, Tim Sandys and Alex Stursberg.

Part of Glasgow international across the city programme: http://glasgowinternational.org/events/roi-crameli-tom-krasny-jedrzej-cichosz-tim-sandys/

Holy Wave touches on the connection between art and ritual; a connection which is less obvious today, as art becomes increasingly self-reflective, and religious rituals abide by rules stemming from years of unchanged worship. It remains essential, however, in understanding art’s role in contemporary society and spiritual life. The artists view the art object as charged with power; a combination of intention and action; of emotions and thoughts that cannot be separated from material and labour.



Four Legged Island, PVC tubes, Foam, chicken wire, foam, fabric,  240x160×160 cm




Self-portrait as a migrant bird, Metal,  car body filler, cardboard, resin, fabric, graphite, 183x 110×60 cm






Skara Brae at twilight, Ceramic, Candles, 130x160x70 cm






Earthly Delights, work by Jedrzej Cichosz, 400x 600 cm


Orgel, work by Judith Leupi, 240×120 cm


Gatekeeper, work by Tom Krasny, 120×90 cm


Dialling Tone, work by Jonny Lyons


Vessel (3 of 5), work by Alex Stursberg, 90x30x30 cm


God of Health and Safety, work by Tim Sandys, 190X200X100


Animal Magic, work by Ayelet Ben-Dor


Installation view